New Unofficial SEO Blog Design!

Finally Web 2.0 bug has bitten us and we bought ourselves a new design! This design segregates our news section separately with featured post as a highlighting feature. With this new design, we will be able to offer more to our readers in terms of industry news, reviews, insights, tips, tricks and useful tools.

Note: Please clear your cache or Press Ctrl F5 to reload the blog and see all changes.

You will see many of the older elements being dropped and sections segregated to make distinction between main sections. Here is the summary of what all have changed with this new design:

  • New look
  • Separate Ads area and new ad options
  • Revised author image
  • Highlighting of subscription option (via email in top menu and below the headline of each post)
  • Improved search
  • Jazzed up footer
  • Top navigation menu includes Tips & Tricks, SEO Tools, Industry News for easier access

And here is what all we plan to introduce with this new version of our blog:

  • Indepth coverage of SEO Tools
  • Interview with Industry leading experts
  • More tips and tricks related to SEO & PPC
  • Adding two more expert writers (will introduce them in a separate post)

Please feel free to leave a comment below or email me with your opinions on the new design, and any ideas or features you would like to see on our blog. Also if you find any bugs or have any other suggestions do share the same as well.

Last but not the least, new design been created by the skill full web designers of Candid

Navneet Kaushal
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