Goodbye PageTraffic, hello PageTraffic!

The spoiler to this great story is that you may already know it.

If you are reading straight from our blog, you must have noticed the new website. It’s only been a few hours and we have got compliments from around the world. Quite a relief when it comes after more than a year of mind racking, hair splitting, sanity threatening efforts.

The idea of launching a new site came almost two years back. However, due to pressing campaigns. It was 358 days back that we got down to work on conceptualizing for a new site. Soon, we realized the
enormity of the task at hand. There were quite a few new things we wanted to try and a couple of new services to launch.

Most importantly, we wanted the new site to be more engaging, more open and more forthcoming than any other site we had seen. We wanted people to be able to see inside the company and be a part of it. The
idea was to interact at multiple levels. While the idea is simple, it took some time, a very long time to be honest, to reach at something we felt good about.

The home page was the toughest, which took us 17 revisions to arrive at what is now online. The internal sections, such as Career, Company,

Help & FAQ
demanded significant though and work. Teams from USA, U.K. and India were involved during various stages of the design process.

Moreover, social media has become a natural extension of SEO when it comes to internet marketing these days. We have been handling the SMO accounts of many clients for over a year now. So, we decided it was time we extend the same expertise to our prospects too. Check out our Social Media Optimization Services.

In almost all of our campaigns, we have recommended code or structural changes to remove the bottlenecks for search engine crawlers. Numerous clients suggested that if we know so much about we design and development, why we don’t do it ourselves! Check out our SEO friendly web designing services.

We took it literally, and gave a nod to few pending requests. It’s been six months and almost double the projects. Time to go official about it. We are sure our new services will be a great way to add value to your marketing campaigns.

Navneet Kaushal
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