A to Z of Content Marketing: A 40 Point Content Marketing Checklist!

A to Z of Content Marketing: A 40 Point Content Marketing ChecklistContent creation is relatively straightforward; anyone can do it. You can only find out if the created content is any good after your content marketing efforts.
A mediocre piece of content may become a hero content when combined with an awesome content promotion strategy.

Similarly, an epic piece of content might not get noticed if the content promotion activities are weak or non-existent.

Most content and digital marketers learn over time with experience where and how to promote content. But here is a 40 point content marketing checklist that is sure to save you some time and money that doesn’t take you the rest of the day to digest.

A to Z of Content Marketing: A 40 Point Content Marketing Checklist

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Navneet Kaushal
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Sofia Araya
Sofia Araya
8 years ago

Wow, This really is a great infographic on content marketing, I specifically enjoyed that it mentions a lot of different social platforms in which you can share your content, for me it was pretty much instagram, facebook and pinterest but I have a lot of new ideas on how to get my content out there. I learned about Medium through here and as a designer I think it is an amazing tool for my business.


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