How To Contact Google My Business Support By Phone, Email & Social Media

Things go wrong, questions arise, and you may require assistance with your Google Business Profile account. In such situations, how do you get in touch with Google Business Profile support? If you are looking for information on how to contact Google My Business support, you are not alone. We have shared four quick ways to contact Google My Business support.

If you still cannot find a reliable solution, opt for Google Maps Marketing services from an experienced agency so that they can help you with the issues.

Many in the local SEO industry have been frustrated by recent changes in how to contact GBP support, as well as the removal of Google Business Profile’s phone number or ability to call them. It is easy to track calls from GBP but it is very hard to call them.

Also, Read: GBP For Lawyers: Complete Guide on Google My Business for Lawyers

Whose Responsibility Is It To Resolve Problems?

A business listing that vanishes from Google Maps or Fake listings that push yours down in the search results or a string of negative reviews you suspect are fake, any of these things can lead to a loss of enquiries, bookings, and revenue.

And, while it is understandable that these things annoy you, keep in mind that Google Business Profile is currently a free product. As a result, Google support staff are scarce, and Google Product Experts who provide GBP support through the Google Business Profile Help Community do so for free.

So, if you are having a problem, the first step is to be proactive in your search for a solution. Find out how to contact Google my Business support. Begin with the help of the Google support team and the GBP community. Following that, it is time to play detective—below, we will go over a variety of alternative GBP support channels, outline what they are best for, and look at how to get the most out of each.

How to Contact Google Business Profile Support?

Contact Google Business Profile Support

You can reach Google for business in four ways: phone, Twitter, Facebook, and email. Let’s go over the specifics of how to contact Google Business Profile support, so you can get the help you require.

Also, Read How to Drop a Pin in Google Maps – Desktop & Mobile

Call Google Business Profile Support
  1. Call Google Business Profile Support

Finding the Google Business Profile contact number is much more difficult than it should be. So, to make things easier for you, we have provided the number below, along with some helpful hints. 

Call 1-844-491-9665 to reach GBP and speak with a live person.

This number is said to be available only Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. However, we cannot guarantee that you will always find it working as several users have reported that they were unable to connect with a person even when they called during business hours.

  1. Get GBP Support to Call/Email You

Google is constantly changing how you can get help, and for a long time, the only way to get someone from Google on the phone was to request a callback through the Google Business Profile website. If Google changes their mind about providing a public phone number to call, try this method for requesting a callback.

Option 1: Sign in to Your GBP account

Go to and click the “Sign In” button. Enter the account email and password for the GBP account that controls the listing(s) you want to verify or have already verified.

If you contact support about a listing that is not associated with your account or for which you aren’t the owner, you are likely to encounter difficulties and will need to restart the process.

Option 2: Go to Google Business Profile Support Page

You can go to the Google Business Profile support page with this URL. It will land you on a page where you will be asked to describe the problem. If you continue through the process, you will be able to request a callback, email or can chat with Google support right away.

If you are looking to find direct links to support pages for specific queries, then the following list could help you a lot.

  • GBP Listing Reinstatement Request

  • GBP Help Page for Verification Issues

  • Request GBP Listing Ownership Change

  • Report Inappropriate or Spam Reviews

Tips for Contacting Google:

  • Be prepared to wait! It is unrealistic to believe you are the only one calling in to an international company with tens of millions of Google business listings.
  • Put your phone on speaker (or wear headphones) to stay productive while you wait. Take advantage of this time to learn about getting listed in other directories, gather high-quality photos to upload to your listing, brainstorm effective Google Business Profile posts, and create a list of valued customers to ask for reviews. 
  • You should also review and respond to your reviews, as this shows Google that you are active with your listing and increases your chances of receiving more reviews.
  • Also, ensure that you are logged into the account for which you require assistance. People are frequently logged into their personal account rather than their business account, which can result in some last-minute scrambling when you finally get someone on the phone.
  1. Use Twitter to contact Google Business Profile

If you find the wait times when calling Google Business Profile too long, another viable option that many people are surprised to learn about is contacting Google Business Profile via Twitter.

Send a Tweet to @GoogleMyBiz to contact GBP on Twitter.

Because this information has been widely disseminated for some time, many more businesses are aware of it and taking full advantage of it. As a result, you should expect to wait approximately 30 minutes for a personalized response from a member of Google’s team.

That’s right, there will be no canned responses here! You will get your very own Google employee to assist you with whatever problem you’re having via Twitter direct messaging.

While you wait for a response, check out the GBP Twitter feed for updates and information. Learn how to make a video out of your Business Profile, mark your company as Black-owned, post promotions, and complete other tasks.

  1. Send a Facebook message to Google Business Profile

Google has also made it relatively simple to contact the GBP team via Facebook. Simply click the link below to be taken to the Google Business Profile Facebook page, where you can send them a direct message.

You can expect a short wait before someone responds, similar to Twitter. Regardless of the problem, you will receive personalized assistance to resolve it as soon as possible.

  1. Complete Google’s Email Support Form

If you have a problem that does not require immediate attention, you can always fill out an email support form. Though Google may take up to 24 hours to respond, they will usually provide multiple solutions in a single email so you do not have to go back and forth.

To contact GBP via email, please click here. Choose the option that best describes your issue and fill out the support form.

Where Else Can I Get Google Business Profile Help?

Now that we have covered the four primary methods of contacting Google Business Profile, we will go over some additional resources you can use in this section.

Google Business Profile Help Desk
  1. Google Business Profile Help Desk

You can contact Google directly through the Google Business Profile Support Center, which also contains a large library of how-tos and FAQs. If you do not want to wait for a team member to respond, this is a great place to find solutions to some of the most common issues that GBP members face.

  1. Community Forum for Google Business Profile

The Google Business Profile Community Forum is a place where product experts and Google Business Profile users like yourself can interact directly. You will find thousands of posts, updates, and detailed guides here to help you solve a variety of problems on your own.

Always remember to follow the Google Help Community Forum Content Policy.

  1. Keep the subject line brief and descriptive of your problem.
  2. Describe your problem in detail, but keep it brief! Demonstrate that you have read and comprehended Google’s guidelines, if applicable.
  3. If you need to include screenshots or links, it is best to do so in a Google doc (appropriately named) that anyone with the link can access. Simply type a brief message outlining the problem in field 2 and include the link to the Google doc.
  4. Include complete information about your business, such as its name, address, and CID number (a unique identification number for that business on Google Maps). If you are concerned about reviews, include the account names of the people who left the reviews in question.
  5. Select the most appropriate category for your post

What Google Business Profile Support Can Help You With?

GBP Listing Verification, Postcard Did Not Arrive

Verifying a Google Business Profile entails creating an account, entering your business information, and then verifying your listing using one of the options available. Sometimes it is as simple as a phone verification (common for older, established businesses), in which an automated system calls your business number and provides you with a verification code to enter on the Google Business Profile verification page.

Most of the time, however, you will receive a postcard in the mail with a PIN code on it to enter back into your account. If you requested a postcard and it has not arrived after several weeks, you should contact Google Business Profile support to help you get verified.

Remove Duplicate GBP Listings

Duplicated listings are common for established businesses, and you will see them all the time. There may have already been a listing for your company, but instead of claiming it, you created and verified a new one, which now appears when people search for you.

If you have multiple listings for the same location, contact Google Business Profile support to have them removed or merged.

Change Account Ownership if You’ve Forgotten Your Password

People frequently create accounts and forget to log in. Google Business Profile allows multiple users to access a listing through a permissions system that includes an owner and managers. A listing can only have one owner, and if you cannot recover the password and do not have any managers, you will be limited in what you can change or who else can be added to your profile.

In other cases, the employee who originally created the listing may have left, and their Google account username/password has long been forgotten. Or if you just bought the company, changing ownership on a Google listing was probably the last thing on your mind, and now you cannot log in to make changes.

To change the ownership information for a listing, contact Google Business Profile support, who will be able to verify you and the listing and make the necessary changes.


Google Business Profile is a great way to boost your business prospects. It has gone from being a digital business promotion medium to becoming a go to marketing strategy for all kinds of local businesses. If you want to contact the support team, there is no easy way other than contacting them via the support form. 

If you do not have the required time to manage the listing and would want to get it done by experts, contact PageTraffic. Our in-house experts will resolve all your woes and share a solid GBP marketing plan that brings more leads for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Google Business Profile?

Google Business Profile is a free account that you can use to manage your Google business listing. By proactive listing management, you can be found in online searches, rank higher than competitors, appear at the top of search results, and be chosen by more customers.

Is there a free and simple way to increase your Google visibility?

The better your Google Business Profile listing, the better Google can assist its users in finding what they are looking for. This contributes to Google’s efforts to digitize the physical world.

How Do I Make Changes to My Google Business Profile?

To begin editing your Google Business Profile, you must first understand the distinction between a Business Profile and a Google Business Profile account. Your Business Profile is a free Google listing that you (or anyone else) can add via Google Maps. Your Google Business Profile account is the platform where you can add more information about your company.

To edit your listing, you must first verify ownership of your listing through your Google Business Profile account. In other words, you are telling Google which Google Maps locations your Google Business Profile account has access to. Depending on your industry, you can do this via postcard, phone call, or email.

Is there a fee for Google Business Listings?

Google charges no fees for business listings. You are free to have multiple listings under one account. The most important aspect to consider is the accuracy and value of your listing. Google Business Profile’s goal is to enable consumers to more easily discover and compare businesses relevant to their needs, allowing them to make more informed decisions about the products and services they seek.

While your listing is free, you are not free to post whatever you want on your profile. Google does monitor the type of content you include in your listing and Google posts to ensure it is consistent with their mission.

Can I Promote My Listing?

When it comes to your Google Business Profile, you have two options for paying to play. The first method is to use the Google Guarantee badge. This badge was previously only available for Local Services Ads, but it is now also available for Business Profiles for $50 per month. The way it works is that your company must go through a screening and qualification process through Google. 

Customers who chose your business because of the badge can be reimbursed by Google for your services if they are dissatisfied with your work once you have the badge on your profile. Of course, Google will contact you to determine what went wrong in the situation and whether it qualifies for reimbursement.

Navneet Kaushal
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