What is not Considered a Source in Google Analytics by Default?

From all available options, including direct traffic, Google and domain, email is not considered a source in Google Analytics by default. Google Analytics is a great tool when it comes to getting the data of your website. It has fantastic capabilities that allow you to perform a range of functions. You can also fetch similar data using other SEO tools. Back to Google Analytics, webmasters and SEO professionals who are new in the world of digital marketing have a valid question on their mind. What is not considered a source in Google Analytics by default?

Google Analytics is a helpful tool, and it has the ability to grow your business and also set goals. You might have thought the goals are unattainable, but they are very much achievable. In case you are not a technical individual, there might be some trouble in sorting out the language used when talking about Google Analytics.

The most misunderstood aspect is the following – Mediums and Sources. When you understand both these terms, you also understand the nuances of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Sources: A Quick Sneak Peek

Sources are the domain that direct the visitors to your site. When we talk about organic traffic, Google is the source. Referral traffic comes from all kinds of domains. Social traffic comes from social platforms.

Source tells you where the traffic is coming from. It could be social media, Google, or other kinds of domains. Now, the traffic source is helpful because you understand how well your marketing campaign is going.

What is not Considered a Source in Google Analytics by Default?

Email is not considered a source in Google Analytics. Why? That’s because it is a medium. Medium is a category of sources. It includes web referral, organic search, and more. Email is not considered a Google analytics source because it comes under Medium.

The source refers to the origin of the web traffic. It could be a domain or a search engine such as Google. Medium refers to a source’s general category, such as organic search or web referral. When you study Google Analytics, Medium and Source are two things you would get to know about at some stage.


In addition to tracking your campaigns through Source/Medium, you can use this feature of Google Analytics to observe how people are linking to your site. Through several important partners and press links, you can keep track of the activity on your website. You might even discover some Source/Medium links that you were not aware were being added! Look in your Google Analytics account’s Source/Medium area to observe how people are arriving at your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is first user source in Google Analytics?

The first user source essentially tells about users who discovered your platform for the first time. Customers that discovered your site for the first time thanks to an organic search result would have “organic” as their First user source dimension value.

What is direct source in Google Analytics?

In Google Analytics, “direct source” refers to all of the clicks on your website that came from people directly entering your URL into their browsers or through your bookmarked links. Without a referral ID, Google Analytics will classify all visits as direct.

What is a traffic source?

In its most basic form, traffic source can be defined as the source from which people found your site. Every session or visit to your website has a hit origin or source.

Gyan Sati
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