How the keywords should be placed within the content?

Q: I have a list of 15 keywords that I would like to target my website for. How these keywords should be placed within the content.

A: The very first task for you is to define the high priority target keywords. If you have 15 keywords, you will eventually end up having 5-10 of these in your list.

The second phase would be to create landing pages that will reflect the selected keywords group. Populate their tag structure with the keyword phrases you would like to dominate the search for.

keywordsNext would be creating one-click links from home page to your landing pages and “link sculpting” the site navigation so that link juice could be focused to target landing pages.

After these three steps, you will be pretty much done with the on page SEO.

Link building would be the next phase. But, post-Penguin make sure that you get high quality links with a diverse profile.

Understanding keywords could be a challenge for many, especially if you are starting out. In today’s world, if you do not understand what SEO is, then you are losing the business already. Placing keywords in the content or in the website is essential, and you cannot afford to hurt the business by doing it wrong, can you? Misusing the SEO in your website or in the content can make you lose the organic benefits and potential profits.

You can benefit both in terms of brand reputation and financial profits if you apply the keywords right. Significantly, the SEO keywords are placed naturally to use them in the most perfect way that the readers can understand quite clearly.

Sure, it’s completely amazing to hire expert copywriting services for your brand or in the content, but SEO can improve the content quite instantly and will allow your website to rank on the top of the Google Search Engine.

7. SEO Keyword Placement Strategies

  1. Title

Placing the keyword on the title can get you the audience that you need. Since you already know that title is the most important place where you must place your keywords on the page, that is the first rule towards SEO strategy. Make sure that you put the SEO keyword at the beginning of the title itself or create a title regarding the keyword itself. This can help your website rank on the top of the searches and on the popular search engine’s first page. However, a strong headline is the most significant factor for attracting visitors.

placement strategies

  1. The Introduction

Well, if you are a content writer or a copywriter, then you might have come across such instructions, where you are being asked to place the provided keywords in the first 100 words. Yes, that clearly means that you need to place the SEO keyword in the introduction part, and that will make a clear pathway for you to reach the audience without a single objection.


  1. Subheadings

Keyword placement needs to be perfect. You must use the strongest and the relevant keyword in the subheadings themselves, not necessarily every subheading present in your content but at least in the first two subheadings. This can help you attract a maximum number of audiences to your website, but you need to ensure that you use primary keywords in the subheadings and titles.

  1. In the content body

Totally, you cannot ignore one of the significant parts of your website/brand/ content. Sure, your titles, images, and links can attract the audience, but the most unique content is what makes people stay on your website and stick to the loyalty for a long time. You have to use the primary keywords on the top of your content body, and then you can scatter other relevant keywords in the entire content evenly- distributing it well. However, if you provide longer content, you need to spread the keywords accordingly because you have to follow the keyword density, and you cannot just stuff them in your content- since it’s not your spring rolls!

content body

  1. The ALT Text in your Image

Ever heard of it? The moment you place an image in your content (which definitely makes the content look attractive and welcoming), and when you would click on the image (on your WordPress), you will see a space where you can place an anchor text. There you have to add up your most commonly used keyword on the internet that is relevant. You can use other relevant keywords, but using primary keywords get you the attention you need. It makes the content visible on the search engine with the image part. However, ensure that the keyword does make sense to the image added.

  1. Content URL

So, this is a complete SEO, and it’s fantastic basics. When you add keywords in the URL or the content link, it becomes easier for the search engine to look for the relevant results for users and take them through the most clicked and appropriate content. You have to use the primary keyword just once in your URL- and however, you need to make sure that the keyword is not duplicating any other sites or its content URL. You need to avoid duplication for the search engine to make you rank on the top.

  1. Meta Description, Hyperlinks are essential!

Well, you need to give the exact same attention to the meta description and the hyperlinks of your content. You have to use the primary keyword just once in the meta description, and then you can add other keywords or your secondary keywords in the different parts of your SEO. When you add hyperlinks with relevant anchor texts- it improves the SEO of your content and helps Google to track you whenever the user needs it. You also need to ensure that you are not adding too many of the exact keywords and anchor texts in your content; it might determine poor results according to the search engines.



Whether it’s the above-mentioned keyword placement strategies or promoting your content on social media, you have to keep all the keyword strategies in mind because that’s how the search engines and their algorithms work. If you want to improve your website’s authority, you need to keep the SEO strategy all tied up and strong. Boosting the website’s traffic and conversion is one thing, and promoting the content as a brand is another. Ah, now you know it already about using keywords, their placements, and other SEO strategies. You can also make use of SEO tools such as UberSuggest and Yoast SEO.

Navneet Kaushal
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